Steph Michelle, also known as "Little Miss Make Shit Happen," is a remarkable individual, whose career has undergone a significant transformation, transitioning from working behind the scenes to taking on a more prominent role in her field. Her deep-rooted passion for Southern soul music has been a driving force behind her unique project—a website and video show dedicated to this captivating genre. In pursuit of her vision, Steph ventured out of her comfort zone, embracing a more visible role to bring her creative concept to life. With more than a decade of experience, Steph Michelle has earned her status as a seasoned special events planner, with an impressive track record in this domain. Her mastery of social media strategy is a fundamental pillar of her success, encompassing audience analysis and the skillful use of various social media platforms to cultivate brand awareness.
Whether its orchestrating special events, devising intricate social media strategies, or crafting compelling content, Steph's multifaceted skills render her an invaluable professional within the marketing realm. Her capacity to navigate diverse industries and roles underscores her reputation as someone who not only "makes shit happen" but does so with flair and finesse, her unwavering passion, boundless creativity, and unyielding determination to transform unique visions into tangible realities.
Van Boardingham, known by his stage name Blues Boy Bo, embarked on his musical journey in his father's church, where he first discovered his talent for singing. While gospel music held a special place in his heart, Bo had always harbored a deep passion for the blues. In 2003, he decided to follow his passion and started singing the blues, marking a significant shift in his musical career. Beyond his musical pursuits, Bo revealed a few hidden talents that added depth to his persona. He had a knack for DJing, spinning tracks and creating memorable beats that resonated with his audience. In addition, he had a flair for culinary arts, showcasing his culinary skills in the kitchen. However, Bo's reputation wasn't limited to music and cooking; he also had a reputation as a charismatic ladies' man, often seen chasing after women who were captivated by his charm. Notably, Bo's journey was not solely defined by his music and talents. After graduating, he made a pivotal decision to enlist in the army, which added a unique chapter to his life story. Through his experiences in the military, Bo continued to shape his identity and artistry, ultimately becoming a multifaceted figure in the world of blues music.